Monday, May 31, 2010

The Water Saga

This morning, true to my original intentions, I went to the Water Commission to apply to get the water for the lot. On the way, I met with Peter and Jimena, who were also on their way to the Water Commission. Jimena told me, tongue in cheek, “…expect that you’ll have to return at least once or twice”, hmmmm.  Since I’d already gone once concerning the fine, I surmised naively that this would be technically at least, my SECOND trip. Wrong!

I had brought all the paperwork that I surmised they would want to see in the original and even made copies of ALL. An impressive portfolio, in my humble opinion. Wrong, again! It proved to be an overkill, but with one tiny exception. . . one form had to be filled by the Delegado who comes to Santillan (a colony of Tequisquiapan) twice a week. So, on to see the Delegado tomorrow night right here.

A little report on the works NOT in progress. The wall fencing is finished in the rough but needs to be water-proofed for the two bottom layers that will actually be covered with dirt, on the side where water tends to run. I’m looking for a mason to do the job. He’ll also be involved in plastering (with cement) the rough walls of the bodega. The problem with finding the right mason is that the work is too much for the odd weekend job—it would involve too many darn weekends—and not quite enough for a whole week. Or so I’ve been told. The rainy season is about to be on us some time in June. Yeah, I know, I’ll keep LOOKING!

Besides, it’s really hot! I mean HOT! Thank goodness for the RV generator and air conditioner. They are put to good use for a number of hours daily. Although the Gypsy Mutts do seem to mind the noise, I notice that they stay put, except for when I go visiting somewhere. Yesterday, I lost them for a couple of hours. They had spied their mum walking by with other animals and—courtesy of Queenie who graciously bent the r-bar holding the fence—they joined the four-legged congregation for a look-see of the neighbourhood. I was livid, then worried, then finally relieved when they showed up just before it got too dark to see anything.

I’m going to need a BIGGER FENCE. . .

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